But now she sucks her thumb and wanders by the banks of her own lagoon.
My liege and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
Why day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.
        --Polonius (Hamlet II.ii.86-92)
Hotline On Call: From inside the beltway, it looks like you suck
AMERICAblog: sort of like an angry Headline News for the blogosphere.
Southern Appeal, wrong about pretty much everything but a great place to engage the other side
Get Your War On: The smartest and most powerful political commentary of the last hundred years. I'm completely serious.
The Freeway Blogger, like a cross between Paul Revere and the people who leave those helpful drawings on the walls of public restrooms
Metafilter will make you an interesting person if you aren't already.
Iron Caisson, where you'll hear up-and-coming poet Danielle Pafunda say, "I see your former California through this pickle jar."
Because We Live To Serve
No, no. I know it's not very good. But it's not supposed to be very good. It's just here in case, once in a while, you think of me, and want to stop by.